
International Albinism Awareness Day ~Message from JAN~
(English Message is below)


 2006年頃から、タンザニアを中心とした東アフリカ諸国において、アルビノの人びとが襲撃・殺傷されたり、墓が掘り返されたりといった事件が報告され、国際的に注目されるようになりました。これは、アルビノの体の一部を用いて呪術的儀式を執り行うと裕福になるという迷信による深刻な人権侵害であり、世界各国でセンセーショナルに報道されました。一連の事件に対しては、当事国のタンザニア・アルビニズム・ソサイエティが中心となって、カナダに本拠を置くNGOアンダー・ザ・セイム・サンやアメリカのNOAHなどとも協力し、タンザニア政府だけでなく、米政府や国連などに働きかけを行いました。そして、2014年11月18日の国連総会において、6月13日を国際アルビニズム啓発デー(International Albinism Awareness Day)とすることが採択されました。
 これを受けて、2015年、国連人権保障理事会でイクポンウォサ・イロ氏(アルビノ当事者)がアルビニズム問題に関する国連独立専門家に任命されました。同氏によってアルビニズムに関する調査・研究が行われ、国際機関や政府への政策提言や助言のほか、アルビノ支援団体に対しても支援が行われてきました。今なお多くのアルビノが襲撃されるといった人道危機を抱えるアフリカを中心に調査・研究が行われてきた成果として2017年に「アフリカ-アルビノ アクションプラン2021」が策定され、各国の政府にその働きかけが行われています。








International Albinism Awareness Day ~Message from JAN~

   Since 2006, it has been reported globally people with albinism in some sub-Saharan African countries face severe stigma and discriminations such as albino attacks and killings which have several roots causes including ignorance, longstanding stigma, poverty and most abhorrently, harmful practices emanating from manifestation of beliefs in witchcraft (UN:2019).These issue attached international attention and it is needed to take actions. To correspond these human rights violations, albinism organizations in the world (Tanzania Albinism Society, Under the Same Sun, National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation) worked together to reach out to not only the African government but also UN. Finally, On 18 December 2014, the General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/69/170 proclaiming, with effect from 2015, 13 June as International Albinism Awareness Day.
   Moreover, in response to the call from civil society organizations advocating to consider people with albinism as a specific group with particular needs that require special attention, on 26 March 2015, the UN Human Rights Council created the mandate of Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism. As a result Ms. Ikponwosa Ero who were also with person with albinism was designated as a United Nations Independent Expert in the UN Human Rights Council. She researched the issues of albinism in African region and submitted her first report on albinism to the UN in 2016. Based on the research, Regional Action Plan on Albinism in Africa (2017-2021) had been endorsed in 2017 and have been reaching out to the governments in Sub Saharan Africa.
   Here in Japan, Tokyo albinism conference was held by in 2018 with the cooperation of the Nippon Foundation and Ms. Ikponwosa Ero. There were many participants who were people with albinism from all over the Africa and raised an awareness challenges of people with albinism and Africa to Japan and it is widely reported. Afterwards, the global albinism research was launched by UN to investigate the current situation of people with albinism in regions outside Africa JAN is cooperating it as a representative of Japanese albinism organization. It is expected that this research will further advance and raise awareness in the international community.


   JAN was founded in 2008, triggered by the “Albino Seminar” held mainly by people with albinism and their families. To enlightenment activities to the society, we have been having meetings for networking among people with albinism and their families, WEB management, research (Sociology, Education, psychology and so on), media interview, living library, and working shop for dermatology, ophthalmology, cosmetics and special care for students so far. Through above working, we are giving them opportunities to learn about law and existing public services, ICT tools, skin care products, latest medical treatment as a care support. In addition, since 2010, we have held “Albino Square” at a frequency of 3 to 4 times a year, providing an opportunity for people with albinism and their families to interact.
   Since Tokyo Albinism Conference 2018, JAN’s cooperation have been developing wider and wider. From now on, while continuing the previous activities of understanding and enlightenment of Japanese society and peer support to the people with albinism and their families, we will work from an international perspective to solve the problems people with albinism face.